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25 Ucapan Imlek Untuk Teman Pada 2024 Ini, Ada Bahasa Inggris Juga

By Moh. Habib Asyhad, Kamis, 18 Januari 2024 | 13:18 WIB

Ini 25 Ucapan Imlek Untuk Teman Pada 2024 Ini, lengkap dengan bahasa Inggris.

20. Wishing you success, happiness, and pleasure as the new lunar year begins. May the moonlight constantly enlighten your route and lead you!

21. I wish you love and happiness now and always. Enjoy a secure and enjoyable Chinese New Year. The Lord be with you.

Baca Juga: Terasa Lebih Afdal, Inilah 15 Contoh Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru Imlek 2024 Bahasa Mandarin

22. Gratify and celebrate surviving another year. I hope the new year brings you happiness, love, and serenity. Cheers to the Chinese New Year!

23. I’m sending you my best wishes, and may the pleasure of the New Year shine brighter than anything else. I want God to provide you with every happiness and prosperity there is.

24. I’d like to wish you a Happy Chinese New Year 2024 as another beautiful year concludes. May your heart be full of joy and your house be filled with riches!

25. Gonghèxinxi, wànshìrúyì: Best wishes for a joyful Chinese New Year season and prosperous new year.

Itulah 25 Ucapan Imlek Untuk Teman Pada 2024 Ini lengkap dengan bahasa Inggris, Selamat Tahun Baru China.

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