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25 Ucapan Imlek Untuk Teman Pada 2024 Ini, Ada Bahasa Inggris Juga

By Moh. Habib Asyhad, Kamis, 18 Januari 2024 | 13:18 WIB

Ini 25 Ucapan Imlek Untuk Teman Pada 2024 Ini, lengkap dengan bahasa Inggris.

Baca Juga: Ini 15 Contoh Ucapan Hari Raya Imlek 2024 Bahasa Inggris, Cocok Untuk Status Medsos


10. May we all have abundance in both health and money in the coming year. Happy new lunar year!

11. May you always enjoy the heavenly favors of health, wealth, and virtue! Happy Chinese New Year!

12. Let’s leave the demons behind and concentrate on the dreams. Time to begin a new year and a fresh round of chances. Happy 2024 Chinese New Year!

13. I send you and your devoted family my warmest sympathies and best wishes for the next year and always. I’d want to wish you happiness and success in the next year. Happy New Year!

14. Invite luck inside, open your windows, and light your lamps with fresh intentions. Happy Chinese New Year!

15. Happy New Year! May you achieve all of your goals. A very happy new year filled with luck, health, and wealth is what I hope for you.

16. I wish you success and fortune in life. May you be blessed with luck at every turn, and may joy abound in your home. Le Xin Nian Kuai!

17. Happy new lunar year! I hope that good fortune accompanies you everywhere you go.

18. May you experience the five blessings of longevity, riches, health, virtue, and natural death. Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family, from our family to yours.

19. Happy Chinese New Year! I hope the next year brings you new and better things. May you be granted all of your wishes.