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50 Ucapan Selamat Tunangan dalam Bahasa Inggris, Simpel Tapi Menyentuh

By Ade S, Senin, 26 Februari 2024 | 03:03 WIB

Ilustrasi. Ingin mengucapkan selamat tunangan? Berikut ini 50 contoh ucapan selamat tunangan dalam bahasa Inggris yang simpel tapi menyentuh.

22. I'm so glad to hear the news of your engagement, my dear cousin. You are such a nice and friendly person, and I'm so happy you have found someone who suits you well. You two are a good match. May you have a peaceful and harmonious life together.

23. What a lovely news! I'm so pleased for you, my dear cousin. You are such a smart and hardworking person, and I'm so happy you have found someone who shares your goals and aspirations. You two are a successful pair. May you have a prosperous and fulfilling life together.

24. You're engaged! I'm so happy for you, my dear cousin. You have always been a fun and lively person, and I'm so happy you have found someone who makes you laugh and smile. You two are a fun-loving pair. May you have a lot of fun and happiness together.

25. Congratulations on finding your soulmate, my dear cousin. You are such a kind and gentle person, and I'm so happy you have found someone who loves you deeply and sincerely. You two are a romantic pair. May you have a lot of love and romance together.

26. Wow, you're engaged! I'm so proud of you, my dear cousin. You have always been a brave and adventurous person, and I'm so happy you have found someone who joins you in your travels and explorations. You two are an adventurous pair. May you have a lot of adventures and discoveries together.

27. Congratulations on your engagement, my dear cousin. You are such a creative and talented person, and I'm so happy you have found someone who admires your skills and abilities. You two are a talented pair. May you have a lot of creations and achievements together.

28. Congratulations on your engagement, my dear cousin. You are such a generous and helpful person, and I'm so happy you have found someone who appreciates your kindness and generosity. You two are a generous pair. May you have a lot of kindness and generosity together.

29. Congratulations on your engagement, my dear cousin. You are such a loyal and trustworthy person, and I'm so happy you have found someone who respects you and trusts you. You two are a trustworthy pair. May you have a lot of trust and respect together.

30. Congratulations on your engagement, my dear cousin. You are such a cheerful and optimistic person, and I'm so happy you have found someone who brightens your day and lifts your spirit. You two are a cheerful pair. May you have a lot of joy and optimism together.

Ucapan Selamat Tunangan untuk Teman Kerja

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh ucapan selamat tunangan untuk teman kerja dalam bahasa Inggris:

31. Congratulations on your engagement, my dear colleague. I'm so happy for you and your partner. You two are a great team. I wish you all the best for your personal and professional life.