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Bahaya Abu Vulkanik Bagi Pesawat (3): Kacaukan Sensor Pesawat di Alaska

By Ade Sulaeman, Minggu, 16 Februari 2014 | 19:30 WIB

Bahaya Abu Vulkanik Bagi Pesawat (3): Kacaukan Sensor Pesawat di Alaska - Investigasi atas kecelakaan di Alaska antara lain menemukan rekaman percakapan antara menara kontrol Anchorage dan pilot pesawat.

Percakapan terjadi ketika pesawat berada di ketinggian 25.000 kaki atau setara 7.620 meter di atas permukaan laut di atas Alaska.

Pilot: "KLM 867 heavy is reaching level 250 heading 140"

Anchorage Center: "Okay, Do you have good sight on the ash plume at this time?"

Pilot: "Yea, it’s just cloudy it could be ashes. It’s just a little browner than the normal cloud."

Pilot: "We have to go left now... it's smoky in the cockpit at the moment, sir."

Anchorage Center: "KLM 867 heavy, roger, left at your discretion."

Pilot: "Climbing to level 390, we’re in a black cloud, heading 130."

Pilot: "KLM 867 we have flame out all engines and we are descending now!"

Anchorage Center: "KLM 867 heavy, Anchorage?"

Pilot: "KLM 867 heavy, we are descending now... we are in a fall!"

Pilot: "KLM 867, we need all the assistance you have, sir. Give us radar vectors please!"