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25 Ucapan Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia ke-78 Dalam Bahasa Inggris

By Yoyok Prima Maulana, Sabtu, 12 Agustus 2023 | 08:22 WIB

25 Ucapan Hari kemerdekaan Indonesia Dalam Bahasa Inggris. - Anda ingin merayakan hari kemerdekaan Indonesia dengan cara yang berbeda?

Bagaimana kalau Anda mencoba untuk menginspirasi diri dan orang lain dengan ucapan hari kemerdekaan Indonesia yang penuh motivasi?

Berikut adalah 25 kata-kata ucapan hari kemerdekaan Indonesia ke-78 dalam bahasas Inggris yang inspiratif yang bisa Anda bagikan di media sosial atau di tempat lain.

1. On this day, 78 years ago, Indonesia proclaimed its independence from colonial rule. Today, we honor the sacrifices and struggles of our heroes who made this possible. We also renew our commitment to uphold the values of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. May Indonesia always be prosperous and peaceful,

2. Indonesia, you are our home and our pride. You have given us so much: a rich culture, a stunning nature, a vibrant society. On your 78th birthday, we express our gratitude and love for you. We also pledge to protect and preserve you for generations to come. Happy Independence Day, Indonesia!

3. As we celebrate the 78th anniversary of Indonesia’s independence, let us remember the words of Bung Karno: “Freedom is not something that can be given by others; freedom is something that we must fight for.” We must continue to fight for our freedom from ignorance, poverty, corruption, and injustice. We must also fight for our freedom to express ourselves, to learn and grow, to innovate and create. Indonesia, you are worth fighting for

4. Independence Day is a time to reflect on our past, present, and future as a nation. We have come a long way since 1945, overcoming many challenges and achieving many successes. We have also faced many problems and opportunities that require our collective action and vision. Let us use this day as a reminder of our responsibility and potential as Indonesians. Together, we can make Indonesia better for everyone.

5. Happy 78th Independence Day, Indonesia! You are a star in the sky of Asia, shining with your strength and beauty. You are the hope for your people, who are fighting with your passion and togetherness. You are an inspiration to the world, which shows with your tolerance and democracy. We are proud and love you, Indonesia!

6. On this special day, we celebrate not only the independence of Indonesia, but also the diversity of Indonesia. We are a nation of many islands, ethnicities, languages, religions, cultures, and traditions. We are also a nation of one people, one identity, one destiny. Our diversity is our strength, our unity is our power. Happy 78th Independence Day, Indonesia!

7. Indonesia is more than just a country; it is a dream. A dream of freedom and dignity for all people. A dream of justice and equality for all citizens. A dream of prosperity and happiness for all generations. A dream that was born on August 17th, 1945, and continues to live on today. Let us keep this dream alive in our hearts and minds. Let us make this dream a reality with our actions and deeds. Happy Independence Day, Indonesia!

8. Today marks the 78th year of Indonesia’s independence from colonialism. It also marks the 78th year of Indonesia’s dependence on its people. The people who have shaped its history and destiny with their courage and wisdom. The people who have contributed to its development and progress with their skills and talents. The people who have enriched its culture and identity with their diversity and creativity. The people who are the soul and spirit of Indonesia. Happy Independence Day to all Indonesians!

9. As we commemorate the 78th anniversary of Indonesia’s independence day, let us also appreciate the beauty of Indonesia’s nature. From the majestic mountains to the serene seas, from the lush forests to the fertile fields, from the exotic wildlife to the colorful flora, Indonesia is blessed with an abundance of natural wonders. Let us cherish and protect these gifts from God for ourselves and future generations. Happy Independence Day, Indonesia!